- Description
Variety: Chilly Seed Oil
As a reputed and certified online organic oil supplier, we are actively engaged in offering therapeutic quality Chilli/Capsicum Oil. Obtained from the seeds of the plants by means of the steam distillation process, it is safe to use.
The plant is an annual herb that belongs to family of Solanaceae and grows to a height of 1m. It is a native to tropical parts of Central and South America. Its leaves are simple & alternate that is on long to medium petioles that are wrinkled in appearance. Flowers are pendulous and are violet to white in color that arises from the axillary notes. Capsicum plants have fruits that are known to be multi-seeded berry pod like having no sutures. Also, the fruits vary in shape, size and color. The seeds are smooth, round and yellow in color and have a spiny protuberance on the edge and oils are extracted from this part of the plant.
A Brief Description of Chilly Seed Oil
Chilly seed oils are extracted via the steam distillation process and that are pungent in odor. The oils appear as dark red in color with viscous and thick consistency. It has 1-2% peppery degree and is prepared in accordance with the edible oils grades. The extracted oil is considered to have linoleic acid, an unsaturated fatty acids that human body is unable to synthesize.
Historical Information
• Historically, Chilly/Capsicum oil was known to originate from Central America and was later produced by Indians.
• The wild species of this genus is thought to be from Florida, Bahamas and Arizona.
• These plants can adapt in all types of climatic conditions, and that is the fundamental reason that it can be grown in any part of the world.
• In late 1400’s, the species of Capsicum was brought to Europe by locals of Spain.Therapeutic benefits
• Capsicum Oil is considered to be the safest stimulant and is most potent.
• It exhibits many amazing properties such as analgesic, carminative, astringent, anti-spasmodic, antiseptic and haemostat.
• It imparts beneficial effect on respiratory system, and also provides protection from cold, cough, flu and asthma.
• This organic oil is known to treat painful muscles, stiffness in joints, etc.
• It treats menstrual cramps effectively. In addition, this oil also helps to provide relief from pain due to arthritis and muscle soreness.General Precautionary Measures!
• This oil should not be used for internal purposes.
• Keep the oil bottle away from the reach of kids and pets.
• Pregnant lady and nursing mother should not use this oil unless recommended by their doctor.Botanical Name:Capsicum annum LCAS#:68917-78-2Color & Odor:Red in color & characteristic odorF.E.M.A. #:Methods of Extraction:Steam distillationConstituents:methyl-n-Vanillyl Nonenamide and LipophilicSolubility:Insoluble in waterSpecific Gravity:0.5300 to 0.7740Flash Point:240 °FOptical Rotation:-2.3 – -11 @ 13°CMajor Constituents:methyl-n-Vanillyl Nonenamide and Lipophilic - Packaging
- Private Labelling
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Aromaazinternational.com is a popular and reputable e-commerce online store from where you can purchase organic essential and natural oils at your convenience. The customers can make payments through debit/credit card, Paypal and through wire transfer. Manufacturers and Wholesale suppliers can make a safe and secure payment for the desired products.