- Description
Looking for a natural pain reliever? If yes, then wintergreen oil is there to take away all the pain worries. Wintergreen oil carries the same aroma as that of a pain-relieving ointment. Get this incredible pain reliever delivered at your home with just few clicks from Aromaaz International.
Wintergreen is an evergreen plant creeper known for its aromatic qualities. It is a member of the Ericaceae plant family well-known for its health benefits. Wintergreen is referred as Gaultheria Procumbens in the scientific language. The plant is a low-lying shrub and is indigenous to Northeastern United States and Canada.
Overview of Wintergreen Oil
Wintergreen oil is extracted from the glossy green leaves of the wintergreen plant by the steam distillation process. The aroma of this pale yellow essential oil is refreshing, sweet, and minty reminiscent to the other mint oils. The oil is quite popular for alleviating different kinds of pains and curing respiratory illnesses.
Benefits of Wintergreen Oil
• An effective pain reliever: Wintergreen oil has gained such immense popularity mainly due to this quality. The oil effectively eases the pains like headaches, joint pains, muscle cramps, etc.
• Relieves stress and tension: The aromatic fragrance of the wintergreen oil calm the senses and alleviate tension, stress, and anxiety.
• Prevents infections: This essential remarkably works on the infections caused by bacteria, fungi, and protozoa. But the internal or oral use of this oil is not recommended.
• Good for skin: This essential oil improves the skin tone and prevents acne if used in diluted form.Precautionary Measures!
• Always dilute this oil in water or carrier oil whether using it topically or in vapor form.
• This oil should also not be applied on the open wounds.
• Keep this oil away from children.
• Always consult a doctor about the dosage of this oil as taking overdoses of this oil can lead to death.
• Wintergreen oil is not meant for use by pregnant women, nursing mothers, and epilepsy patients.Botanical Name:Gaultheria ProcumbensCAS#:68917-75-9Color & Odor:pale yellow to reddish brown clear oily liquid with a fresh, minty odorF.E.M.A. #:3113Methods of Extraction:Steam DistillationConstituents:methyl salicylate, guaiadiene, a-pinene, myrcene, delta 3-carene, limonene and delta-cadineneSolubility:Insoluble in water, soluble in alcohol and oilsSpecific Gravity:1.1809 @ 72 Degree FFlash Point:214 Degree FOptical Rotation:-0.15Major Constituents:methyl salicylate, guaiadiene, a-pinene, myrcene, delta 3-carene, limonene and delta-cadinene - Packaging
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Aromaazinternational.com is a popular and reputable e-commerce online store from where you can purchase organic essential and natural oils at your convenience. The customers can make payments through debit/credit card, Paypal and through wire transfer. Manufacturers and Wholesale suppliers can make a safe and secure payment for the desired products.